Welcome to yukon church
Yukon Church affirms the Holy Bible as the inspired, infallible, everlasting, Word of God and the basis of our beliefs. We voluntarily subscribe to the doctrinal statements of The Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Welcome to yukon church
Yukon Church affirms the Holy Bible as the inspired, infallible, everlasting, Word of God and the basis of our beliefs. We voluntarily subscribe to the doctrinal statements of The Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
"That is the focus of this church - making disciples."
"It is not some watered-down, “make you feel good” gospel but the gospel in its perfect and raw truth. We leave edified and prepared to live and proclaim the gospel and make disciples. Here we feel like a part of something bigger than just ourselves. We have fallen in love with the church and its members. Yukon Church has finally made us feel like we were home." - Cal and Caitlin Humphrey
"God has used yukon church to change my life and my entire family."
Yukon Church began as a cooperative effort of more than twenty Southern Baptist Churches. Baptist churches from Central and Grady Associations came together to plant this new work in hopes of establishing a God honoring, Bible believing, life transforming church body. Yukon Church met in a rented facility for more than six years before moving into a new building in March of 2009. Since then the church has continued to worship together and grow in the Lord.
Since 2002 the Lord has continued to bring people together and develop this body as He sees fit. We continue to seek to Him! Come join us and learn more about how the Lord has led us each step of the way.
Since 2002 the Lord has continued to bring people together and develop this body as He sees fit. We continue to seek to Him! Come join us and learn more about how the Lord has led us each step of the way.
What to expect

10:00 AM Worship
Join us for music, prayer and preaching from the Bible.

11:15 AM Adult & Children's Bible Study
We have age specific classes for children and youth. Our adults meet in mixed age groups. Join a small group study today!

Childcare Provided (Optional)
We have a nursery for children from birth through 3 years old. We also welcome children of all ages in the auditorium during worship.

Music Derived From Scripture
We sing scripture, hymns, and contemporary songs that are based in scripture and bring honor to the Lord.

Casual Dress and Sunday Best Welcome
Don't worry about what to wear! We welcome you as you are. You will see people in everything from blue jeans to suits.
Get involved
Check out the wonderful opportunities we provide to get engaged with our community of believers!
Get involved
Check out the wonderful opportunities we provide to get engaged with our community of believers!
"Always based on the Bible, the truth, and of God."
"The reason I love this church is because of all the church members who lovingly support each other through prayer and helping when the need arises. Finally, I would like to remind you that this church serves the Lord Jesus Christ and will be here for all who make the choice to follow Jesus. For Jesus tells us, 'I am the way the truth and the life, and no one comes to the father except through me!!!' - John 14:6" - Jane Spencer